Les projets de l'association depuis 2013

Les projets nationaux en 2023

Octobre 2022 - Mars 2023

Les projets Erasmus en 2023

8-13 Août 

Youth Exchange "Theater for democracy" in palermo

Août - 6 places

Les projets Corps européen de solidarité en 2023

 Août - Juillet

Janvier - Décembre

Les projets en 2022

Eco Habits of Youth Workers Training course

2nd - 12th december 2022, St Maarten

To promote green policy in youth work, we need to raise awareness and make eco-friendly lifestyles more popular among our peers/young people. Some youth organizations in the EU adopted the code of conduct, the green policy which affected their members and beneficiaries positively, while many others have not, moreover the green lifestyle does not actively practice in developing non-EU/neighboring countries. Many organizations and youth workers in Europe or beyond are not aware of their footprint as very few measures are taken to educate and promote relevant competencies that would enable them to go green.

The project objectives are as follows:

1. to equip youth workers with the required competencies related to a green lifestyle in order to promote eco habits among youth

2. to explore green habits-related digital tools (mob apps and etc)

3. Identify the non-eco habits/actions in the youth work and develop ideas, tips and hints of changing them into eco-friendly via mini-blogs series

4. create intellectual outcome(s) (booklet and e-visual resources - posters, videos, pics etc) for the further dissemination

5. promote intercultural exchange among participants

6. explore further possibilities of cooperation’s on this topic within the Erasmus+

Approaches for a sustainable way of living together

August 2022, Luxembourg

The Youth Exchange took place from Sunday, August 21, to Saturday, August 27, in a castle in Luxembourg. Thirty young people between 18 and 30 years old from Luxembourg, Germany and France will come together.

The project aims to give young people from Luxembourg, France and Germany the opportunity to get to know each other and exchange ideas. In view of climate change,increasing populism and a global health crisis, the aim is to promote European identity and to motivate and empower young people to actively shape our society in order to find ways to live together in peace, sustainability, solidarity, diversity and environmental sustainability.

Find the Fake ! Training Course for Youth Workers 

17th-27th August 2022, Luxembourg

ALDIC asbl is glad to invite you to participate in an international training course about combating fake news called “Find the Fake”. This training will provide you with a quality professional education and place to meet and work together with 32 youth workers from 8 European countries –  Armenia, Georgia, Albania, France, Portugal, Ukraine, Italy and Luxembourg. We are confident that all this group diversity and experience with support of great trainers will lead to 8 days of learning, exchange of ideas and experiences, making contacts, partnership building, networking ... and a lot of fun.

Eco Habits of Youth Workers Training course

2nd - 12th december 2022, St Maarten

To promote green policy in youth work, we need to raise awareness and make eco-friendly lifestyles more popular among our peers/young people. Some youth organizations in the EU adopted the code of conduct, the green policy which affected their members and beneficiaries positively, while many others have not, moreover the green lifestyle does not actively practice in developing non-EU/neighboring countries. Many organizations and youth workers in Europe or beyond are not aware of their footprint as very few measures are taken to educate and promote relevant competencies that would enable them to go green.

The project objectives are as follows:

1. to equip youth workers with the required competencies related to a green lifestyle in order to promote eco habits among youth

2. to explore green habits-related digital tools (mob apps and etc)

3. Identify the non-eco habits/actions in the youth work and develop ideas, tips and hints of changing them into eco-friendly via mini-blogs series

4. create intellectual outcome(s) (booklet and e-visual resources - posters, videos, pics etc) for the further dissemination

5. promote intercultural exchange among participants

6. explore further possibilities of cooperation’s on this topic within the Erasmus+

Approaches for a sustainable way of living together

August 2022, Luxembourg

The Youth Exchange took place from Sunday, August 21, to Saturday, August 27, in a castle in Luxembourg. Thirty young people between 18 and 30 years old from Luxembourg, Germany and France will come together.

The project aims to give young people from Luxembourg, France and Germany the opportunity to get to know each other and exchange ideas. In view of climate change,increasing populism and a global health crisis, the aim is to promote European identity and to motivate and empower young people to actively shape our society in order to find ways to live together in peace, sustainability, solidarity, diversity and environmental sustainability.

Les projets précédents

Housing Project by Life asbl - 2020/2021

ALDIC asbl soutient l'initiative "de WG Projet"

Relancé en 2018 «de WG Projet» le groupe d’action autonome au sein de l’association LIFE asbl a pour but, entre autres, de mettre plus de chambres en colocation abordable sur le marché de l'immobilier luxembourgeois. Chaque colocation (WG) étant plus que la somme de ses chambres nous voulons promouvoir la solidarité entre les personnes. Nous prônons l’autonomie et l’auto-organisation de chacun.

Conscient du fait que les prix de l'immobilier ne cessent d'augmenter, et que de plus en plus de personnes ont du mal à se payer un logement, une solution pour payer un loyer plus modéré est de vivre en colocation.

Du constat que qu'il existe trop peu de colocations au Luxembourg, Notre projet a pour vision de changer cette tendance en faisant en sorte que plus de personnes propriétaires de maisons, les mettent à disposition pour des colocations.

Informations et inscriptions:


Ils parlent du WG Projet:





Etika bank: https://etika.lu/LIFE-Une-maison-pour-la-colocation


Cycles de conference sur les légendes - 2019/2020

La conférence organisée par la Commune d'Attert, dans le cadre de la convention de labellisation (Ma commune dit "JO") et proposée le 23 juin prochain par Yolande Mathey de Sampont et Sabrina Benfriha de Mamer (GDL) nous emmènera à travers la grande richesse et variété de contes et d'endroits magiques qui nous entourent.   

"Les légendes de l'Aterterdaul, recensées en 1890 par Nicolas Warker dans son ouvrage "Wintergrün" illustrent parfaitement les aspects humain, psychologique et sociologique tirés de l'imaginaire collectif.  De plus, elles nous connectent à nos racines, notre identité.  Découvrir ces légendes et se promener dans la forêt ou le long de la rivière qui leur sert de cadre permet d'illuminer l'imagination de tous ceux qui ont su garder une âme d'enfant et confère  à  la commune d'Attert une aura  mystérieuse et enchanteresse." (YM) 

Des interventions de messieurs André Mathay de Lottert spécialiste de la vie de Charles Martel, personnage célèbre né, selon la légende, à Lottert et Louis Stephany de Thiaumont, passionné de toponymie locale nous éclaireront sur les dénominations et les faits historiques associés aux récits.  La lecture en français et en luxembourgeois de quelques légendes clôturera la soirée. 

Booklet de la conférence téléchargeable:


European Youth Event 2018 

ALDIC, National coordinator for Luxembourg

"Your voices will be a key factor in shaping Europe’s future, and you have a vital role to play in building the Europe of tomorrow”, said President Tajani, addressing a Strasbourg Chamber filled with young people from all parts of Europe and the World. “It is here that the peace, democracy and prosperity, which the European Union has assured for 70 years, become a tangible reality – day in, day out”, he said, adding “Like you, the Members of the European Parliament reflect the wealth of different backgrounds, languages, cultures and ideas which make up the European Union.”

He reminded the young representatives of some 130 groups that generations of young Europeans before them had lived through the horrors of war, “separated by trenches and repressive walls, they were never masters of their own destiny”.

The President called upon the group representatives “to help, through your ideas, to revitalise this as yet incomplete project and talk about our common future”. Before taking questions from the floor, the president invited them to “look carefully at the next European elections” : “It is important that all of you make your own choices in May 2019. Choose who to represent you on these benches.”

The third edition of the European Youth Event (EYE2018) gathers a record number of more than 8000 participants engaging in 400 activities, debates, performances and workshops in Parliament’s premises in Strasbourg, from Friday 1 June 10:00 to Saturday 2 June 19:00. The debates are centered on five themes: Young and Old - Rich and Poor - Apart and Together - Safe and Dangerous - Local and Global."

Source: https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/press-room/20180601IPR04809/ep-president-at-eye2018-your-ideas-are-key-in-shaping-eu-s-future

2020 - Conférence sur les légendes régionales de Nicolas Warker

European Youth Event 2016

ALDIC, National coordinator for Luxembourg

Taking place at the Parliament in Strasbourg on 20-21 May, the European Youth Event (EYE) will be a unique opportunity for 7,500 young Europeans to make their voices heard. At a time when Europe is facing crises on many fronts participants, all aged 16 to 30, will exchange ideas and perspectives on the EU's future and other youth-related issues. As a follow-up, a report with the ideas discussed at the EYE will be presented to MEPs. Follow #EYE2016 for all the news in the run-up to the event.

The second edition of the European Youth Event brings young Europeans together with European decision-makers and feature high-level political and educational activities.

This year's EYE will focus on five main themes:

Source: https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/headlines/priorities/eye-2016

European Youth Event 2014

ALDIC, National coordinator for Luxembourg

La rencontre des jeunes européens a rassemblé 5000 Européens âgés de 16 à 30 ans pour échanger leurs idées et perspectives sur les questions liées aux jeunes. L'événement s'est déroulé à Strasbourg du 9 au 11 mai 2014. Les participants ont discuté de leurs idées pour l'avenir de l'Europe avec des politiciens, des journalistes et autres décideurs. Ils ont présenté leurs idées aux nouveaux députés européens, fraîchement élus. 

"Des idées pour une Europe meilleure", afin de leur donner la possibilité d'échanger leurs points de vue et de discuter de leurs idées, entre eux et avec des décideurs européens. Les participants pourront assister aux ateliers, aux débats et à d'autres activités autour des cinq thèmes choisis: le chômage des jeunes, la révolution numérique, l'avenir de l'Union européenne, le développement durable et les valeurs européennes.

C'est pourquoi, tout groupe de jeunes avec lequel vous êtes en contact peut être invité à introduire une demande de participation à EYE 2014 par l'intermédiaire du site: www.europarl.europa.eu/eye2014/fr

"Migrants in Europe" Multimedia contest 2013

ALDIC, National coordinator for Luxembourg

Officially appointed to coordinate the 2013 « Migrants in Europe » multimedia competition, jointly with the European Commission – Directorate of Home Affairs ( Commissioner: Ms. Cecila Malmström). The competition was launched in all EU member states.

The competition is aimed at students who are over 18 years old and enrolled in art, graphic design, journalism and communication schools in all EU countries. Students presented an artwork featuring the role played by migrants from non-EU countries in the development of European societies.

European Youth Events in pictures